The Ranking of Hands
When learning How to Play Holdem Poker Online For Beginners the first thing we should start with is the ranking of hands - which hand will beat another hand. This may seem very basic, and it is. However, it is paramount that this information becomes second nature to you. Just about every player I know has, at one point or another, misread his or her hand and lost a pot because of it (yes, this has happened to me as well). So, let’s start with the ranking of hands from highest to lowest:
Straight flush – This is the best possible hand you can have (Note: every time I say that a straight flush is the highest possible hand a player can have, someone ALWAYS says “No a Royal Flush is the highest possible hand someone can have” – Although a royal flush IS the best possible hand the term Royal Flush is slang for “the highest possible straight flush” thus a straight flush is the best possible hand you can have and the Royal Flush is the highest possible straight flush hand). A straight flush is any five cards in sequential order that are also the same suit, for example, A,2,3,4,5 of clubs, would be a straight flush, and it beats four of a kind or any lower-ranked hand. The odds of getting a straight flush are approximately 750,000 to 1. Don't expect to see this hand often.
Four of a Kind – When you have all four of the same card. Four of a Kind is also known as “quads”. It beats all other lower ranking hands, but not the straight flush or a higher four of a kind.
Full house – This is when you have three of a kind and a pair to go with it (example: 2,2,2,J,J). If two players have a full house then the player with the highest full house (the player with the highest three of a kind or if the three of a kind is the same then you move to whomever has the highest pair) wins. A full house beats all lower ranking hands.
Flush - Any 5 cards of the same suit – they do not need to be in any order. If two people have flushes, the flush containing the highest card wins. A flush beats all lower ranking hands.
Straight – A straight is any five cards in sequential order, regardless of suit. Again, if 2 or more players have a straight then the straight with the highest card wins. A straight beats all lower ranking hands.
Three of a Kind - Any hand with three of the same card. This beats any lower ranking hands.
Two Pair – This is fairly self explanatory. It’s the same as one pair but you have two of them. For instance you have KQs (King and Queen of the same suit) and the board comes 4, 10, K, 2, Q. Two pair beats any high card and one pair. Two pair is also the average winning hand in Holdem so you can expect to see it frequently.
One Pair – Is when you have two cards that are the same, JJ (Jacks) for instance. This beats a hand with only a high card and any pair that is lower than yours (thus with jacks you will beat any pair of tens, eights, or lower but not queens, kings, or aces).
High Card. When no one has anything else of value in their hand the person with the highest card wins. If you both have the same high card then the other card in your hand is used. The other card is known as your "kicker" Example: You are holding AKs (Ace and King suited) and your opponent is holding AQo (Ace and Queen of different suits off suit) and the board is 10, 4, 2, 7, 9 – neither of you have a pair so the highest card is used. Since you both have an Ace we would go on to the other card in your hand to determine the winner. Since you have a King for a kicker and your opponent has a Queen for a kicker you would win this pot. If both players have kickers that are lower than the cards on the board then you would split the pot.
Kicker – I have a few thoughts on the kicker. When you are learning how to play Holdem poker online (or off) chances are you won't be considering your kicker, however the kicker is part of your hand that is very important to be aware of. If you have a high card, as we’ve already discussed, the kicker can come into play, but it can also come into play in any other hand except for a straight, flush, full house, or straight flush. For instance, you have three of a kind but your kicker is a 10. Your opponent has the same three of a kind but has a queen kicker – this can be an emotionally painful situation to find yourself in. Always remember that your kicker is an important factor to consider. You can set yourself apart from others who are learning how to play Holdem poker online (especially online) just by choosing not to play a hand with a weak kicker.
We will continue with The Basics - An Overview in the next post here at How to Play Holdem Poker Online For Beginners
Until then may you not get unlucky.
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